
The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling is unavailable, but you can change that!

For some time the Biblical counseling world has needed a reference volume containing articles that refer to the various aspects of Christian counseling. Here Jay Adams, the father of Nouthetic counseling, sets forth in concise form what you need to know. The book is not academically oriented; rather it is a practical work in which insights, directions, and methodology may be found side-by-side...

sinners. This is the sense in which most Christians know it. But the word also refers to the enabling work of the Holy Spirit Who dwells and works within Christians. It is, in effect, the help He gives to them to do God’s will (q.v.). The latter sense is that which is found in 2 Peter 3:18, where the sanctifying help of the Spirit which brings about growth is mentioned. This command to “grow by grace” (CCNT)—is one with which every counselor should be familiar, since he will find many occasions on
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